
Welcome to my project of projects!

My newest project to date, THIS ONE! The DavidShapProject is sort of a combination of all my projects. I am using this website to document my work, offer service, and teach others on various topics I encounter in my many journeys!

My Websites

Captain Scrubby

My fathers business, Captain Scrubby and the Squeegee's Window Cleaning. Servicing Commercial and Government in Frederick County, Maryland.

PlayerHub Network

The most complex project I've dabbled with so far. PlayerHub is a multisite social network. Servicing web design, hosting, and support.


Some products and services are affiliated with DavidShapProject.com. By ordering through links on this website you are directly helping this site and other projects.

About The Admin

Hello, my name is David Stambaugh Jr. I live in Maryland (USA) with my beautiful wife and children. I am a self-taught web and graphics designer. I have been an aspiring artist of sorts my entire life. I oddly-enjoy some of the tedious work involved in web building and computer graphic design. Learning has and always will be a great passion of mine; which leads us to the purpose of the DavidShapProject.

They say the best way to learn is to teach− and I agree. Many of my projects have some unique and intricate parts that can be quite challenging to set up, alter, or recreate. I will be sharing walkthroughs and basic information on various topics for easy referencing. Not just for myself but you as well!